CREODIAS 2.0 launched

Be invited to visit CREODIAS 2.0 – a revised version of CREODIAS portal that has just been launched.
CREODIAS 2.0 is the first commercial element of the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem – the largest of EO data offering with capabilities to process the data in a cloud environment. Users will benefit from the integration of both portals thanks to federated identity, access to catalogue, and additional services. Users can now benefit from:
- a new portal and improved UX
- a new billing system
- a new customer portal
- a new support ticketing system
Customer accounts were migrated to a new billing system, but the entire cloud environment remained unchanged.

The beginning of the CREODIAS portal dates back to 2017, when the European Space Agency, acting on behalf of the European Commission, signed a CREODIAS contract with a consortium led by Creotech Instruments S.A., which included CloudFerro, Wroclaw Institute of Spatial Information and Artificial Intelligence (WIZIPISI), Geomatys, Eversis and Sinergise.
CREODIAS that has been launched in 2018 was one of the five DIAS platforms (Data and Information Access Services) that facilitated and standardised access to the Copernicus Earth Observation data, as well as to processing tools. CloudFerro played a key role in the project being responsible for building, developing and operating EO data repository (data acquisition, storage and dissemination) as well as providing cloud services for data processing.
Within 5 years, CREODIAS has gained over 20 000 registered users from nearly 190 countries, and it is now offering over 36 PB of locally available EO data with daily increase of over 26TB.
CloudFerro, the operator of CREODIAS, plans continuous enhancements of the portal with additional features and services like new cloud regions, Open Telekom Cloud, Sentinel Hub, OpenEO, additional data, and much more.
Go to CREODIAS portal on
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