Who we are
CloudFerro provides next generation clouds dedicated to specific domains and industries.

CloudFerro provides innovative cloud services. We deliver and operate cloud computing platforms for specialized markets such as the European space sector, climate research and science.
Our extensive experience in storing and processing big data sets includes multipetabyte repositories of Earth Observation satellite data. We offer flexible, open source based, cost effective cloud solutions in a public, private or hybrid model, customized to meet user needs. Our broad range of ancillary services and dedicated technical support is delivered by an experienced local team with unique competences.
Our valued Clients, Partners & areas of expertise
Our customers
CloudFerro is the largest company in the space sector in Poland and a major one in Europe. We have been trusted by leading European firms and scientific institutions from various big-data-processing market sectors, including the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and many others.
CloudFerro is the only Polish company in the space sector that has a status of a prime contractor for the above-mentioned institutions.

Our partners
CloudFerro collaborates with a range of partners to deliver high-performance solutions for the Space industry and other demanding markets. Our partnerships span technology providers, scientific institutions and specialized service and application companies, enhancing our capacity to provide innovative, top tier services and solutions.
CloudFerro partner for DACH customers

Urbetho CF manages CloudFerro presence and activities with the focus on the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) and acts as business and solutions partner. Urbetho not only offers CloudFerro's cloud services but provides Professional Services including EO-Cloud training, premium support, customized cloud services and onboarding of data collections and applications.
Urbetho CF GmbH is an owner-managed German company with many years of experience in the fields of Earth observation and cloud computing. It focuses on solutions based on the CloudFerro cloud services. The Urbetho team consists of experts in geoinformation technology and cloud infrastructure. Together with its international partner network, Urbetho supports clients from governmental sectors, research and industry.
CloudFerro competencies
The CloudFerro organisation reflects the need to provide uninterrupted services of specialized cloud based platforms to a large number of diverse customers. We can scale our systems, react to their evolution as well as design and implement new projects while maintaining a high level of our services. We rely on open source technologies and contribute to their development.
We have extensive experience gained from many projects. On the other hand, we have built resources on the scale of hundreds of petabytes of repositories and thousands of servers, and huge amounts of stored and shared data. This ensures the ability to quickly deliver unique cloud computing services.

Our Values
Company Mission
& Vision
Our mission
Based on the success of its Earth Observation data processing platforms, CloudFerro provides next generation clouds dedicated to specific domains and industries. We bring together specialized data sets, tools, infinite storage capacity and scalable computing power to deliver sovereign private and public cloud services based on open-source components.
Our vision
We aim to be a leading dedicated cloud computing & data company in specific domains and industries, a partner of choice, an enabler for enterprises and institutions, as well as an inspiring workplace for our employees.

European company
European capital, norms, data hubs
We are a European company in every aspect of our business, from legal aspects and standards, to the location of our data centers, and the customer service team.
Cooperation with science
We support scientists and researchers
We cooperate with over 40 scientific institutions across Europe. We are a member of the European Open Science Cloud, and we provide cloud computing resources in science financing projects, including OCRE.

Affiliation to
We belong to such organizations as EARSC (European Association of Remote Sensing Companies), ZPSK (Association of Space Sector Employers), and AHK (Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce).
We are a member of the Copernicus Relays network.
We actively participate in the development of open-source technologies, being a member of the Linux Foundation, Ceph Foundation, and OpenInfra Foundation.
CloudFerro's Team & Board Members
We have an experienced local team who considers professional customer service as a priority.
About 80% of the CloudFerro team members have a technical background and specialize mainly in information systems and network management, software development, or electronics. Our team consists of over 230 people, including highly experienced local IT specialists with unique competencies: engineers and managers, programmers and network administrators, specialists in research, development and security, customer service experts serving 3 lines of dedicated premium support, EO data analysts, equipment and procurement engineers and project managers with an excellent track record.
The foundation of CloudFerro is an experienced management team that has been successfully operating in the IT and Telecommunications for over 20 years. Meet our Board.
CloudFerro in numbers
530 PB
Storage capacity
100+ PB
EO data
Public clouds