Our Public Clouds

CloudFerro provides computing services through five unique public clouds: WAW3-2, WAW3-1, WAW4-1, FRA1-2, and CF2. Each cloud functions autonomously yet is integrated within a shared billing and user management framework. Clouds situated in the same location, such as those in the WAW3 series, share parts of power and network connectivity infrastructure. All public cloud instances grant uniform access to EODATA. While users have the flexibility to access all services across these clouds, it's important to note that the pricing, performance, and availability of certain services may differ depending on the cloud's geographical location.

CloudFerro clouds are based on Openstack for cloud engine and CEPH for storage. Ceph is an open-source distributed storage system that may be scaled to thousands of nodes offering petabytes of high-performance, secure, highly available distributed storage. OpenStack is the most widely deployed Open Source cloud framework in the world. Born from open collaboration, in 10 years of development, 21 releases, and over 8000 active developers, it has become a de-facto standard, powering the most critical public, private, and hybrid cloud infrastructures in the world. 


Launch date2022
LocationNetia Jawczyce DC
Capacity2x CF2
Openstack VersionUssuri (Planned upgrade to Yoga)
CEPH VersionNautilus (Planed upgrade to Pacific)
Available VMseo1, eo2, eo2a, hm, hmd, dsvm.a6000
Cloud management panelhorizon.cloudferro.com
S3 Storages3.waw3-1.cloudferro.com
EODATA endpointdata.cloudferro.com (available locally from VM)


Launch date2023
LocationNetia Jawczyce DC
Capacity4x CF2
Openstack VersionYoga
CEPH VersionNautilus (Planed upgrade to Pacific)
Available VMseo1, eo2a, hmda, hmd, hmaw, ds
Cloud management panelhorizon.cloudferro.com
S3 Storages3.waw3-2.cloudferro.com
EODATA endpointeodata.cloudferro.com (available from VM and internet)


Launch datePlanned launch end H1-2024
LocationOrange Łazy DC
Capacity10x CF2
Openstack VersionCaracal
CEPH VersionQuincy
Available VMsTBA
Cloud management panelhorizon.cloudferro.com
S3 Storages3.waw4-1.cloudferro.com
EODATA endpointeodata.cloudferro.com (available from VM and internet)


Launch date2023
LocationFrankfurt Interxion DC
Capacity2x CF2
Openstack VersionYoga
CEPH VersionNautilus (Planed upgrade to Pacific)
Available VMseo1, eo2, eo2a, hm, hmd, hmw, ds
Cloud management panelhorizon.cloudferro.com
S3 Storages3.fra1-2.cloudferro.com
EODATA endpointeodata.cloudferro.com (available from VM and internet)


Launch date2020
LocationT-mobile P24
Openstack VersionPike
CEPH VersionNautilus
Available VMseo1, eo2, eo2a, hm, hmd, hmw, ds, gpu
Cloud management panelcf2.cloudferro.com
S3 Storages3.waw2-1.cloudferro.com
EODATA endpointdata.cloudferro.com (available locally from VM)
Our Public Clouds - chat 1 1
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