Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem

Please be informed that Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem becomes the main dissemination endpoint for the Copernicus data.
By the end of October 2023, Copernicus Open Access Hub service will cease operations. To continue accessing Copernicus Sentinel data, Open Access Hub users need to self-register on Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem. Please see a guide for migration here.
The Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem is powered by a consortium of leading European cloud and EO service providers: T-Systems, CloudFerro, Sinergise, VITO, DLR, ACRI-ST, and RHEA.
It is the largest open EO data repository that brings a wide range of powerful tools: a browser for visualisation, object storage for user’s data, S3 public endpoint, STAC catalogue, OData and OpenSearch querying APIs, Jupyter Hub, Notebooks, OGC services, traceability API, OpenEO and Sentinel Hub’s APIs. The new system grants instant access to all Copernicus data online in one place, covering archive and current Earth observation data that is estimated to grow to 85 petabytes of EO data within the next six years.
CloudFerro plays a key role in developing and operating the new platform on the company’s cloud environment, providing open access to the full archive of Copernicus EO data, data retrieval and processing services.
Learn more about Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem.
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