Pricing plans

Being ahead of our customers expectations we apply prices that promote long term cooperation

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On the CREODIAS platform we offer services in two public Openstack based cloud instances CF2 and WAW3-1. All public cloud have the same level of access to EO data.

In each of the clouds, the user can run similar services but they may have different prices depending on the instance location.

We readily take part in projects funded by external programs, such as H2020, Horizon Europe, business incubators, European Space Agency programs, and others.

Billing models

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Company or account owner purchases number of credits, corresponding to the price. Subsequently, from their projects, users may initiate chosen services - such as virtual machines, storage, or VPNs - being charged accordingly to the price list. Every ten minutes costs are calculated of the active services in users' credits.

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Fixed term

Company or account owner purchases services for a fixed period of time. Price is set accordingly to the price list or - for significant purchases - can be individually negotiated. Services are charged with invoices.


  • Net prices in euros
  • Prices per month, half-year, and year apply to fixed-term contracts
  • Infrastructure usage is hourly billed
  • Long term contracts are promoted
  • Data transfer is still free

Discount and deductions

  • For periods of one year or more, we have special discounts.
  • Scientific institutes and universities can benefit from a special 18% discount.
  • We endorse financing infrastructure with a variety of EU funding schemes.
  • Chosen public clouds are available with access to large pools of Earth Observation data.

We are open to negotiations, if our client needs a big computing environment, intends to exploit it for a long time, or store unusual big sets of data. CloudFerro has extensive experience in big data cloud platforms designed to handle specific types of data.

All prices are in EUR, excluding VAT. Prices for Monthly, Half-yearly, and Yearly periods are in Fixed Term (long term) monthly cycle. Prices for Pay-per-use model are calculated in the hourly cycle.

If you have any query, contact us. Our experts will be happy to assist you.

We will answer all your questions as soon as possible.