Kubernetes on CREODIAS platform 

Implementing a container orchestration system

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Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. Despite its relative youth (8 years), Kubernetes is the preferred orchestrator for 80% of container users. 

With declarative configuration management, horizontal scaling, self-healing, automated rollouts and rollbacks, service discovery, and load balancing, Kubernetes provides a complete management tool for cloud-native applications. 

With CloudFerro, Kubernetes comes with no additional fees - you only pay for the underlying compute and storage infrastructure supporting your Kubernetes instance.

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When a cloud application gets more traffic or otherwise needs more resources, the infrastructure must be scalable to adapt to the increased workload. Kubernetes provides autoscale features that deploy additional containers and provision additional nodes when a predefined usage level is reached. The autoscaling feature may operate on RAM or CPU load or based on other user-defined parameters.

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Fully integrated with OpenStack

Our Kubernetes services run on top of OpenStack, leveraging the OpenStack Magnum Project which makes orchestration engines available as first-class resources in OpenStack. This architecture allows users to use OpenStack resources such as VM-s, object and block storage alongside their Kubernetes Pods and to manage the whole infrastructure with a common interface.

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A flexible environment for developers team

Development teams use Kubernetes in their CI/CD workflows to develop, test and deploy applications at scale. Waiting months to deploy a new version? Tired of waiting for test environment availability? Does your application need more resources? Need to perform A/B tests? Switch to Kubernetes.

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Load Balancers enabling resilience and scaling

A load balancer service is available to provide Kubernetes services with the necessary resiliency and scaling.

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Full tenant separation

With OpenStack Magnum, every tenant runs his own instance of Kubernetes, operating in a private environment, securely separated from other users.

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A free service

With CloudFerro, Kubernetes comes with no additional fees - you only pay for the underlying compute and storage infrastructure supporting your Kubernetes instance.

See also