Public cloud with Earth observation data

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Public cloud with easy access to Earth observation data exploration and processing for public administration, science and business.

CREODIAS is a seamless cloud-based environment that brings processing to Earth Observation (EO) data. It enables to create and scale EO-based services. The platform has an integrated repository of satellite images, equipped with a range of applications allowing users to search, view, and process satellite products. The architecture of the cloud environment ensures simplicity, scalability, and repeatability of production processes and chains.

The project goals

The main assumption of the CREODIAS platform is to reduce the technological and financial requirements faced by all entities interested in using satellite data in their products and services - public administration, science, and business. The environment combines free Copernicus satellite data complemented by very high resolution (VHR) imagery, competitively priced cloud computing infrastructure, and convenient user tools, allowing users to incorporate remote sensing data or its derivatives into production chains at a fraction of the previous cost.

CREODIAS 2.0 is a revised version of CREODIAS – a highly successful platform that dates back to 2018. It was one of the five DIAS platforms (Data and Information Access Services) that were funded by the European Commission to facilitate and standardise access to Copernicus Earth observation data, as well as to processing tools. It was provided by a consortium of: CloudFerro, Creotech Instruments S.A., Wroclaw Institute of Spatial Information and Artificial Intelligence (WIZIPISI), Geomatys, Eversis, and Sinergise.

CloudFerro has built and has been operated the entire EO data repository i.e. data acquisition, storage and dissemination, and has provided cloud services designed especially for EO data processing. Within 5 years from its launch in 2018, CREODIAS has gained over 20,000 registered users from 189 countries.

CREODIAS 2.0 is the first commercial element of Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem offered by a Consortium consisting of T-Systems as a leader, CloudFerro, Sinergise, VITO, DLR, ACRI-ST, and RHEA.

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Description of the platform

The platform provides immediate access to the  Copernicus Sentinel satellites data and Services, Envisat and ESA/Landsat data and other EODATA. Thanks to its design, Third Party Users can prototype and build their own value-added services and products. A set of pertinent tools guarantees simplicity, scalability and repeatability of any services’ value chain. CREODIAS offers integrated public cloud services for data processing and serverless processing.

The EO Data repository contains Sentinel-1, 2, 3 and 5-P, Landsat-5, 7, 8, Envisat and many Copernicus Services data. The platform infrastructure and services are optimized for the processing of Earth Observation data, and supporting scientific, operational and commercial applications.

CREODIAS is constantly enhanced with new features and services, such as additional CloudFerro cloud infrastructures in new locations, Open Telekom Cloud, Sentinel Hub, OpenEO, additional data and much more.

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What does CREODIAS provide to its users?

  • Big-data enabled OpenStack cloud services for data processing, provided by CloudFerro and T-Systems.
  • Large repository (growing over 26TB daily) of Earth Observation data (Copernicus Sentinels, Landsat, Envisat and others) available with instant and local access.
  • Access to an array of the Platform as a Service appliances.
  • EO based services, including Data access, PGaaS, Sentinel HUB, openEO, Sen4CAP, Remote transfer for EODATA, Jupyter Lab, collection of VHR commercial data and services.

What applications do users find especially useful in CREODIAS?

  • The portal - the user’s main hub for account management and information handling, with FAQs and news feed.
  • Data Explorer - an advanced search engine designed where users can select products based on their sets of specific variables - such as time, place, collection, processing level. They can  access it with JSON-based API.
  • Cloud Dashboard - serves users as a tool for overview and management of your processing resources.

The most important benefits:

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Large EODATA collection

Access to largest EO data collection available online and locally from cloud.

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Explore for easy discovery, visualize, download and analyze

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Rich interfaces and API

Intuitive user tools for searching and processing EO data along with API access

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Tools & applications

Clear access to set of tools and applications for the processing of vast amounts of Earth Observation data.


Open Data Space

The Data Space is open for third-parties who would like to contribute with a new dataset, algorithm/processor or a service on commercial or open-source conditions.

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Commercial services

Additional services on commercial basis (e.g. on CREODIAS)

Check CREODIAS platform for your research and commercial projects.



Satellite data

Earth observation data stored on the CREODIAS platform is open, public, and free. The repository has over 67 petabytes of data and is growing by over 26 terabytes a day.

The collection of satellite data in the CREODIAS environment includes:

  • most of the products from the Sentinel family: Sentinel-1A & Sentinel-1B, Sentinel-2A & Sentinel-2B, Sentinel-3A & Sentinel-3B, Sentinel-5P, Sentinel-6
  • the historical archives of LANDSAT 5, 7, and 8, ENVISAT, and SMOS
  • the collections of specialized Copernicus services - Atmosphere, Marine, Land Areas, Climate Change, Security, and Crisis Management

The free Copernicus data is complemented by commercial very high resolution (VHR) imagery, which is suitable for projects that require very high accuracy. These are multispectral, night and radar images, and they come from different VHR providers.

View available free Copernicus data collections and commercial VHR data collections.

Rich access interfaces

Users can access the satellite data repository in several ways, including the S3 object interface, NFS file interface, zipped download, WMS / WMTS, and using the REST API or POSIX access technology. Check data access details.

CREODIAS users can process data directly from the repository, without the need for time-consuming downloading to their own environment. Access to data is fast and efficient - our tests have shown users are able to download over 2 PB of data per day.

Cloud computing

CREODIAS offers cloud computing services for satellite data processing: compute, storage, backup, data-related services, virtual networks, security, and others. The cloud infrastructure operating for the CREODIAS uses the OpenStack software, whose architecture consists of many interacting modules responsible for controlling processor resources, memory, and network infrastructure.

Users can manage their resources through the Horizon portal with graphical support or through the REST web interface. Infrastructure and services have been optimized for processing and working with satellite data. Optimization also regards the operation of external applications.

View available cloud computing services on CREODIAS.

Prices and financing options

Cloud infrastructure is available in several billing models:

  •    pay per use (per hour)
  •    fixed term (long term contracts)
  •    revenue sharing

We provide free credits for testing the platform, discounts for science, various , in particular full funding for cloud services for science from project.

Check the price list of cloud computing services on CREODIAS.

Check CREODIAS platform

We offer free credits for cloud computing resources


User tools

Thanks to the applications developed by CloudFerro, which are milestones in the search and selection of Earth observation (EO) products, the user can incorporate data into his production process faster and more efficiently. These apps include:

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home page of the environment, combining account management with a knowledge base, communication channels and customer service support:

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a graphic service in the OpenStack technology that allows you to manage your resources


Data Explorer


advanced search engine for Earth observation products, offering graphical interface and API: Data Explorer

Capability to create own services

CREODIAS users can develop their own applications and services and share them on the platform. These external applications complement the functionality of the CREODIAS environment. If the requirements of other users are unusual and complicated, they can use the functionalities provided by those services. Check third party catalog on CREODIAS.

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EO data

repository and catalogue

  • Public collections
  • Cache
  • Private collections
  • Data search OCS / OpenSearch / SPARQL
  • Data access - NFS / S3 / http / OGC WMS / WMTS / WCS
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Cloud Services


  • Compute
  • EO data processing
  • Virtual Network
  • Object Storage / Block Storage
  • Backup
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User Tools

for easier management and processing

  • CREODIAS Data Explorer
  • CREODIAS Tenant Manager
  • CREODIAS Cloud dashboard
  • CREODIAS Jupyter
  • Third party apps

Customer support

A team of experienced support specialists is ready to respond to any questions and requests of our customers. We support cloud environments, satellite products, and various satellite data applications. We help initialize the users' cloud environment in our infrastructure.

Learn more about our customer services.

Visit CREODIAS platform, check satellite data collections, cloud resources for its processing and possibility to build your own applications.

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of locally available data

If you have any query, contact us. Our experts will be happy to assist you.

We will answer all your questions as soon as possible.