OCRE cloud provider
CloudFerro is qualified cloud service provider for OCRE
CloudFerro, the operator of the CREODIAS.eu platform, is now registered as a qualified OCRE supplier for the category of “Cloud Providers for OCRE.”
OCRE (Open Clouds for Research Environments) provides (EU) funding for scientific and research institutions with the aim to foster cloud adoption, offering ready-made service contracts, which brings together cloud providers, Earth Observation (EO) organizations, and the research and education community.
All CREODIAS users that are part of the authorized research community can now apply for grants as service credits from OCRE, for funding the consumption of infrastructure-cloud services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and the adoption of digital Earth Observation (EO) services in scientific and research projects.
Learn more on the OCRE and other funding options from CREO4Science webinar and OCRE webiste.
If you have any query, contact us. Our experts will be happy to assist you.
We will answer all your questions as soon as possible.