Living Planet Symposium 2022

Living Planet Symposium 2022 - gn obszar roboczy 1

CloudFerro was present at the ESA's Living Planet Symposium - the biggest Earth observation conference in the world. This year it took place in Bonn, Germany on 23–27 May 2022.

ESA’s Living Planet Symposium has been a great opportunity for the whole Earth observation community to share knowledge about the latest scientific developments and findings, as well as technology novelties that support the use of EO data in environmental research. We greatly appreciate all thought provoking ideas, inspirational conversations, and valuable comments! Thank you for visiting our booth and joining our sessions!

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CloudFerro at the Living Planet Symposium 2022, Bonn, Germany

Sessions run by CloudFerro:

Monday, May 23rd17:00posterCrop type classification using High-Resolution Vegetation Phenology and Productivity productJędrzej Bojanowski, Jan Musiał 
Tuesday, May 24th09:55-10:40demoEO4UAJan Musiał, Jędrzej BojanowskiOEF DEMO AREA
Tuesday, May 24th11:20 - 12:50trainingCREODIAS technical trainingKlaudia Bielińska, Jan Musiał, Jędrzej BojanowskiH-1-05
Tuesday, May 24th17:00posterCloud-based Sentinel-2: Resolution Enhancer (s2enh) processorKlaudia Bielińska 
Wednesday, May 25th09:55-10:40demoEO4UAJan Musiał, Jędrzej BojanowskiOEF DEMO AREA
Wednesday, May 25th10:35 - 12:05trainingCREODIAS technical trainingKlaudia Bielińska, Jan Musiał, Jędrzej BojanowskiH-1-03
Wednesday, May 25th10:45-12:15panel discussionDigital CopernicusMaciej Krzyżanowski (panelist)Bangkok room
Wednesday, May 25th13:30presentationEfficient and scalable computing cloud access to Big Data EO repositories – CREODIAS, WEkEO, CODE-DE and other platforms Michał Bylicki, Monika KrzyżanowskaGarden room
Wednesday, May 25th17:00posterCloud based European Union Common Agricultural Policy applications and tools for advanced agriculture monitoringKlaudia Bielińska 
Thursday, May 26th15:10-15:55demoEO4UAJan Musiał, Jędrzej BojanowskiOEF DEMO AREA
Thursday, May 26th15:10-16:10panel discussion“Valorising your Data and Algorithms on Collaborative Platforms”

Maciej Krzyżanowski (moderator)Agora GEMINI

If you have any query, contact us. Our experts will be happy to assist you.

We will answer all your questions as soon as possible.