Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem – EARSC EOCafe discussion

On January 12, 2023, Maciej Krzyżanowski, CEO of CloudFerro, together with Jurry de la Mar from T-Systems International, presented Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem – a new EO data ecosystem of an unprecedented scale that is being developed on the initiative of the European Space Agency and the European Commission.
Watch the recording:
The webinar, hosted by Geoff Sawyer, EARSC Strategic Advisor and former Secretary General, was the first occasion where the new ecosystem was presented in detail. The speakers explained the functionalities of the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem and the benefits to users.
The new service will be operated by a consortium of T-Systems International (leader), CloudFerro, Sinergise, VITO, ACRI-ST, and RHEA, and complemented by the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
The presentation was followed by a lively discussion with EO community members.
The following topics were raised in the webinar:
- How is the new service different from the current Copernicus OpenHub?
- How will the Copernicus data delivery and analysis landscape change?
- What does “immediately available data” really mean and how can this affect the way EO data is used by the community?
- How will EARSC members benefit from the new service?
- Download from OpenHub is free, cloud services on Copernicus DIASes are payable – how is it going to be organized in the new Copernicus Data Access Service?
More about the new ecosystem on this page and in case studies.
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